/* Copyright (c) nogubbins.com */ $(document).ready(function(){ /* * Presentation styles and elements * Why do it here? osTicket is difficult to update for the average Joe so this is an attempt to make it as simple as possible */ // Add bootstrap classes to form elements $('input:not([style="vertical-align:top;"]), textarea, select').addClass('form-control'); $('input[style="vertical-align:top;"] + em').css('display','block'); // Add some nice icons to the nav $('#navbar-main ul li a.home').prepend(''); $('#navbar-main ul li a.kb').prepend(''); $('#navbar-main ul li a.new').prepend(''); $('#navbar-main ul li a.status, #navbar-main ul li a.tickets').prepend(''); }); $( document ).ajaxComplete(function() { $('input:not([style="vertical-align:top;"]), textarea, select').addClass('form-control'); });